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Bark Busters Reviews and Customer Testimonials

23rd February 2014 - Graham Milgrew

Graham dealt with Barking, Digging, Jumping up, Puppy management

Really good session. Very useful with daisy. Daisy is doing really well walking properly on her lead and not jumping up and barking so much.

- -.L, Upminster, Essex (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Graham
Daisy is a lovely Cockerpoo. She is really bouncy and was doing lots of jumping up at kitchen surfaces when her owner was cooking or preparing food and generally to get her owners attention. This is hard work when you have a busy household and Daisy was getting away with it simply because if she couldn't get the attention she would start to bark at her owners instead. It takes calm gentle persistence from owners to fix this and they are making good progress. Because she is so excitable she pulled heavily on the lead when she went out which was particularly difficult when walking with the children. She is walking very nicely now and the next thing we will be tackling is to teach her to walk calmly alongside a pushchair. These owners are proof that even if you have lots of things going on at all times, you can still train your dog successfully.

22nd February 2014 - Estelle Jackson

Estelle dealt with Sibling rivalry

Estelle was very good and gave me advise on how to manage the behaviour problems. The dogs and I have been practicing daily and there have been some improvements in behaviour. They are no longer all trying to get through the door as soon as it is opened. the border terriers are together again for some of the time but only when I am around. They had, recently, started to fight. Distance training is variable. The border terriers are finding it difficult. But we are keeping working at it for a few minutes every day. Thankyou Estelle

- -.C, Chesterfield, Derbyshire (Testimonial)

21st February 2014 - Alex Fraser

Alex dealt with Aggression, Barking, Pulling, Recall, Toileting, Other

Hemlock & Prue are both rescue dogs, who came into our home with some complex behavioural issues. We had managed to unpick a couple to the root cause, but didn't have the knowledge to understand how to deal with it. To be honest we were pretty much at breaking point with Hemlock, who being a large Dobermann just seemed to be so unwieldy and out of control. However within half an hour of meeting us with our dogs Alex had assured us that the dogs were not 'broken' and with time, patience and consistency we could 'fix' them ... or was it fix us? We soon learnt that their problems was as much our doing as their own 'baggage' they had bought with them to our home. Alex just seemed to be able to read deep inside their heads and reply to the cries of help. Results were soon evident, the techniques easy to use (we have been known to use them automatically on the cats now, but they really do look at us as if we are strange). Before you realise you are doing many of the techniques without actually thinking about them, it becomes second nature. The dogs respond instantly to them, both the correction and the praise. They know where they stand, they are more comfortable having these boundaries and are so much calmer now. Hemlock (dobie) wanted to guard us, Prue (boxer), the house, pretty much anything and everything, only thing is he was all bark and no b@lls and this just stressed him out. Alex soon had us teaching him that his 'job' is to sit n chill and we'll do the guarding: turns out our barks (growls) are pretty impressive too! Prue was a bit different, she came to us with a history of more physical abuse (Hemlock's was primarily psychological). She was most un-boxer like, quiet and withdrawn. Together with Alex we have helped her realise that humans can be kind and she ought not to be so fearful of us all. She's a cheeky little lady now, has made some huge progress, but still lots to achieve. Prue's major issue was toilet training, she was used as a breeding bitch and as such had no concept of appropriate toileting. With Alex's guidance we have made a breakthrough but it is slow going, but we wont give up. Both Hemlock & Prue were a nightmare on the lead, they would pull, and Beth wouldn't take Hemlock out unless he was on his canny collar because she didn't have the strength to hold him, or be able to cope with any silliness should he decide to go off on one. Alex taught us various lead and collar techniques and now both dogs walk beautifully with little correction needed. No nasty or painful techniques, just done by speaking the dog's language and plenty of praise when it all goes right (regardless of how fleeting that initial success may be). We are both happy to walk either dog and are looking forward to starting recall training with them very soon with Alex's help. As a result we now have two contented and happy dogs who we feel we have a decent amount of control over. We are looking forward to advancing these skills. That's not to diminish the progress we have made so far. In the early days it would take 10 minutes to get Hemlock into his bed, he didn't see it as a safe place and once there would soon be off. Now, not only does he take himself off to his own bed, but also to Prue's (at least one size smaller than his own). He is so much more relaxed. Alex is an affable man, who puts you at ease, is so easy to talk to without making you feel silly. Instructions are always clearly explained, as is the rationale behind them. Alex has become a welcome visitor to our house. Would we recommend him? Yes, we already have!

- -.B, Heywood, Greater Manchester (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Alex
I am so so pleased with how both Hemlock and Prue have improved during the time I have been working with them. I was told by their owners on my first visit that they were at the end of their tether with both dogs (especially Hemlock who would bark throughout the night at the slightest noise!). On entering the house for the first time the dogs were a little chaotic to say the least, but whenever I go round now both dogs wait calmly in their beds when I enter and only come out when called! Their owners have worked hard and they are now certainly reaping the benefits of the work they have put in. I am very proud of them all.

20th February 2014 - Alex Fraser

Alex dealt with Aggression, Jumping up, Sibling rivalry


- -.V, ROCHDALE, Greater Manchester (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Alex
I really enjoyed working with these two bulldogs. It was however clear that the female thought she was not only in charge of her brother, but she also thought she was in charge of the house. It is really important in sibling rivalry cases that both dogs are viewed and treated equally and in turn they see their owner as a solid pack leader. The first session went really well and I can't wait to visit them again soon. Keep up the good work!

18th February 2014 - Kevin McDonnell

Kevin dealt with Aggression, Barking

We were given very clear instructions on how to help our dog overcome fear aggression and the constant barking at people / dogs passing our house. She has really improved already, especially with the barking - it is a lot more peaceful in our house now. We were given plenty of opportunities to ask questions and feel that help is there if we need it. I would recommend Bark Busters to anyone that has issues with their dog.

- -.J, Cullompton, Devon (Testimonial)

17th February 2014 - Kevin McDonnell

Kevin dealt with Barking, Pulling

Kevin was very informative and professional: he talked us through the root causes of the problems, explained where we were going wrong and gave us logical and effective methods to resolve the issues. He was friendly, caring and never patronising. We were really appreciative of him taking the time to drive down to us, and also loved meeting Russell. We have seen a marked improvement in Bali already - he has stopped barking in the car and at our neighbour and this is only day two. We hope he and our neighbour will become friends soon!

- -.R, Truro, Cornwall (Testimonial)

15th February 2014 - Jacquie Callaby

Jacquie dealt with Jumping up, Toileting, Other

Jacqui is always very personable and knowledgeable with answers, thinking outside the box for solutions/ ideas. She was quick to suss out Mojito's personality and how best to get us to stop being passively lead.

- -.A, Guildford, Surrey (Testimonial)

12th February 2014 - Kevin McDonnell

Kevin dealt with Barking, Other

Excellent presentation by Kevin. We found his instruction very easy to follow and covered the points that we were concerned about, it was easy to relay to the dogs and showed good results from the start. We are confident that the training will overcome the problems we had. We found Kevin very personable and are very glad that we used your company.

- -.C, Porthleven, Cornwall (Testimonial)

10th February 2014 - Sharon Chapman

Sharon dealt with Hyperactivity

Ourselves and indeed Charlie got a lot out of our session with Sharon and she left us with hope of achieving the pet that we all wanted. Unfortunately we had to rehome him a few days later due to an incident with our daughter but still feel that he could have responded to the training.

- -.G, Old Colwyn, Conwy (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Sharon
Having a young, large bouncy dog in a house with a young child is always a difficult situation and sadly in this case the child didn't listen to what she was told and the result was that the owners decided that it would be better for Charlie to be rehomed, for both their daughters and his sake. It is a tough decision to make and the owners should be applauded for making the right decision before the situation got out of hand. Charlie responded well to the training and in a calmer environment will thrive.

9th February 2014 - Estelle Jackson

Estelle dealt with Aggression, Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall, Toileting, Other

I was really dubious at first about booking, it was a lot of money to spend if it didn't work. Estelle spent time listening to the problems I was having with my dogs. Jack barked at everything and was aggressive to visitors. Paddy would bark at passers by through the window and if the doorbell rang. He only slept a maximum of 4 hours on a night and would then whine and jump up on the safety gate until we let him outside, if we left him he would wee/poo on the floor. Paddy is also very anxious on a lead and will bark at other dogs and pull on the lead. After the first 3 hours I noticed a difference with both dogs in the home. After 1 night of putting in place the strategies paddy has slept through every night since with no accidents (after 18 months). Both dogs are 100% calmer in the home and visitors see the affectionate side to the boys that I do. They no longer bark at passers by, door bell, dogs on the tv and the postman. It's like I have 2 different dogs. There has been a small improvement with paddy out on walks but he is very anxious and this is going to take time and patience. I have just had a second visit that focused on walking and feeling more confident about the future. I would definitely recommend bark busters, big thanks to Estelle :-)

- -.S, Barnsley, South Yorkshire (Testimonial)

7th February 2014 - Andy Waterhouse

Andy dealt with Separation anxiety, Other

I could not believe the difference in Trixie's behaviour in such a short time. Even the next day I let her off the lead (still attached) to run free. She is now testing me and eventually comes back. We still have a long way to go with building (hers and mine) confidence but I feel there is light at the end of the tunnel. To see a dog not been out of house/garden for 5 years running around is wonderful. She is also responding well indoors when checked.

- -.M, Erith, Kent (Testimonial)

5th February 2014 - Lynn Prentice

Lynn dealt with Jumping up, Recall, Toileting

Training went really well,Lynn explained everything and showed us what to do, Roxy is so much better behaved,she is going to the toilet outside and not in the house. Thank you Lynn

- -.L, Hayes, Middlesex (Testimonial)


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