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Pet Travel to Europe after Brexit...
Many of us enjoy holidays to Europe and love to take our pets with us. Matters have been quite confusing and somewhat worrying for us since the referendum to leave the EU, with the resulting negotiations being complicated and lengthy. The Government has now issued advice for those planning to take a pet to any EU country after 29thMarch 2019 in the unl...
Dog Breeders and New Legislation...
From 1st October 2018, amendments to the Animal Welfare Act (2006) will come into force. This means new rules on licencing and compliance will affect breeders. They may now be classed as a business and selling dogs for profit, which means that they need to be licenced. From this date, when you buy a puppy from a licenced breeder or seller, they must provide...
Does Your Dog Chase Livestock?...
Dogs have many behaviours that are instinctive rather than learned. These instinctive behaviours are inherited from their ancient ancestors such as wolves and other feral canines, and sometimes appear to make no sense in the modern world of pet dogs. All dog owners will have noticed some of them in our own pets; circling before lying down to rest (treading d...
Fear Aggression in Dogs...
A dog who shows aggression to other dogs, or even people can be very difficult to handle. It’s not surprising then that one of the main reasons for dogs being surrendered to shelters is aggression. Sadly, the prospects for a surrendered dog flagged as aggressive are not bright. Often the shelter will have no option but to euthanize the dog as they woul...
Why Does My Dog?...
As dog owners, we love our dogs and enjoy their little quirks and personality traits, but sometimes their behaviours might leave us bemused. This is often because these are instinctive survival or pack behaviours inherited from their ancestors. Give doggy licks and kissesSome people love and encourage their dog to give kisses, whilst others aren’t so...
Puppies and Backstreet Breeders...
We want to advise you about the dangers of rushing to buy a puppy to give on Christmas Day. There are several reasons why this can be a bad idea; not least because it is the person receiving the puppy who must be committed to its care, not the giver. Owning a dog comes with a great deal of responsibility. Puppies need lots of care, attention, time and patien...
Toilet Training Your Puppy...
Toilet training is one of the main issues that we are called to help with. The excitement of getting a new puppy is often replaced with frustration as the reality of the hard work involved in toilet training sets in. We have some tips to help you when toilet training your puppy. By following these simple tips, you will speed up your puppy’s toilet trai...
Puppies and School Holidays...
In this article, we want to talk about the effect school holidays can have on puppies. In the same way that school holidays are a break in routine for your children, they can create a break in routine for your puppy. However, whilst your children understand that after the break they will return to school and resume their weekly routine, puppies quickly devel...
Expecting a baby? Prepare your dog...
We often get called to visit dog owners who have just welcomed a new baby. Their dogs behaviour is causing a nuisance to the new parents after the arrival home of a new baby. The behaviour traits that dog owners have accepted from their dog prior to the arrival of the baby, is now causing too much noise, stress, and anxiety as their dog continues to jump up,...
Easter Holidays...
It’s that time of year again. The shops are full of chocolate eggs and hot cross buns in preparation for Easter weekend, many of us are looking to nice long weekend away from work, and the weather is improving…maybe! For children, Easter is a time of treats, egg hunts, chocolate bunnies and much more. For adults, also, Easter eggs can be a welc...
Are you under the paw?...
You may have seen our recent articleThe Importance of Training your Dog where we talked about the importance of regular training sessions between you and your dog to maintain communication. In today’s article, we are taking a light-hearted look at the training that takes place in lots of homes every day…where your dog is training you! It...
Being a responsible puppy owner...
When people bring home a puppy it is a time of great excitement and fun for all the family. In previous articles, we have talked about the importance of training your puppy in a fun, gentle and consistent way from the very first day you bring him home. This involves the basics of toilet training, sleeping alone through the night, sit, stay, come when called...